From my card set
Heart-connected with the bright world
Connect your heart with my heart and we will create great things.
We are Gaia, the great mother, beloved child of the earth. We are the soul - the essence of the planet earth, on which you live together with countless other beings or are, so to speak, guests for this earthly life.
On this earth, where you want to experience duality, between light and dark, male and female, jing and yang, etc., we form a unity together. Connect your heart with my heart and connect with the light of the source of all being. In this way, hand in hand, heart to heart, we can create great things. Together, we can spread love and light on earth and raise our vibration together; this for the highest good of all.
And be aware that you were born from my womb, which is why I am also called the Great Mother. I give you everything you need. I am the earth that carries you and gives you all the fruits. I am the air you breathe, I am the water you drink and that cleanses you. I am the fire
that gives you energy and warmth. I carry all of that within me and you within you. We are one and born from the light of God. The better grounded you are, the better your soul can fulfill its mission here on this planet. I love each and every one of you and I am happy to take the burden from your shoulders and from your heart. Just let it flow into the ground and I will transform it. Go into nature, there you will feel my love, hear my quiet voice and discover the omnipresent abundance. We are Gaia and we love you as the Great Mother that we are to you.
From my card set
Heart-connected with the bright world
Connect your heart with my heart and we will create great things.
We are Gaia, the great mother, beloved child of the earth. We are the soul - the essence of the planet earth, on which you live together with countless other beings or are, so to speak, guests for this earthly life.
On this earth, where you want to experience duality, between light and dark, male and female, jing and yang, etc., we form a unity together. Connect your heart with my heart and connect with the light of the source of all being. In this way, hand in hand, heart to heart, we can create great things. Together, we can spread love and light on earth and raise our vibration together; this for the highest good of all.
And be aware that you were born from my womb, which is why I am also called the Great Mother. I give you everything you need. I am the earth that carries you and gives you all the fruits. I am the air you breathe, I am the water you drink and that cleanses you. I am the fire
that gives you energy and warmth. I carry all of that within me and you within you. We are one and born from the light of God. The better grounded you are, the better your soul can fulfill its mission here on this planet. I love each and every one of you and I am happy to take the burden from your shoulders and from your heart. Just let it flow into the ground and I will transform it. Go into nature, there you will feel my love, hear my quiet voice and discover the omnipresent abundance. We are Gaia and we love you as the Great Mother that we are to you.

Card set -Heart connected to the bright world
Following the voice of my heart, I created this very special set of cards. In connection and hand in hand with the light spiritual world, I painted 44 pictures. I was also able to receive and write down the corresponding messages.

Art prints
Art prints for your home: set accents with style."